Archive for the 'Engineering' Category

Three S’s: Summer Sports STEM

What a great way to start the new academic year and get to know your students: ask them what they did during the summer! Chances are that they did a lot of sports. Be prepared to show them how sports relate to the math and science curricula! Here is a sample from our wealth of […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, General, Mathematics, Physics, Science

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Teachers’ Domain: Biotechnology Collection

WGBH’s Teachers’ Domain - a goldmine of multimedia resources for K12 education - now has added value for middle school and high school educators and students, with its recently released Biotechnology Digital Media Collection. If you teach genetics, DNA, gene cloning, or other biotech topics, and are looking for ways to integrate high quality digital […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, General, Interactive, Science, Technology, biology

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Stay Tuned for Digital Learning Assets From Nation’s Museums This Fall

The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History will be the site of the launch of the NSDL SMILE Pathway featuring resources from the nation’s leading science museums on Nov. 1, 2009 at a panel discussion to be presented during the Association for Science-Technology Centers Annual Meeting.

The lighthearted SMILE logo can be seen in action […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Green technology, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, Technology, multimedia

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MAISON StrandMap Search for Teachers, Librarians, & Learners Who are Blind

The goal of the “Middleware for Accessible Information Spaces on NSDL (MAISON)” is to improve participation in NSDL by teachers, librarians, and learners who are blind. The Beta version of MAISON ( enhances access to NSDL, its internal and external resources and existing services (such as strand maps of educational benchmarks). MAISON is implemented as […]

Posted in Topics: Accessibility, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Strand maps, Technology

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Deep-Fried School Rides

More students in school districts from Texas to Vermont are getting lessons in green technology every time they board a school bus powered with vegetable oil. Not only does biodiesel fuel made from recycled restaurant cooking oil save money, it also cuts down on carbon emissions, and is a healthier alternative for students who breath exhaust […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Green technology, Science, Technology

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Choose the Moon (again!) with the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Those who did not sit huddled in front of a blurry black and white television on July 20, 1969 watching bulky spacemen stir up dust on the lunar surface while mysterious beeps and static played in the background can now witness a a real-time multimedia computer simulation of that historic mission to the moon. To […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Interactive, Physics, Science, multimedia

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NSF Science on “Web TV”

NSF’s new Science Nation is a weekly, media rich “online magazine that’s all about science for the people.” Developed by CNN science producers, Science Nation topics take an entertaining look at the research and people that impact our day-to-day lives. The first two shows are about phenomena and events that most of us have wondered […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Technology

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Looking for Climate Change Impacts in the 21st Century

What do scientists do? The National Academies recently launched the African American History Web site to help answer that question for students and teachers. Important contributions made by African American scientists, engineers, and physicians are featured along with information about NAE programs and events. One of the scientists highlighted on the NAE Web site is Warren […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Mathematics, Science

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NSF Special Reports Go In-depth on NSF-supported Science Research Topics

National Science Foundation (NSF) Special Reports online feature topics that highlight scientific discoveries accomplished with NSF support. Topics include weather, evolution, mathematics, visualization, technology, polar, infectious disease, robotics, wild animals, earthquake engineering, cyberinfrastructure, tsunami, arctic and climate. Special reports are available as interactive resources or as text only versions. This collection has recently been added […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Green technology, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Social Studies, Technology, multimedia, polar regions

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“Vrroooom-Vroom” Goes Green

Driving less, biking more, paying attention to vehicle fuel efficiency, and looking for economical transportation options are all worthy endeavors, especially right now.  American’s love affair with cars, however, and their utility as a platform for studying environmental engineering challenges is far from over. Two springtime events–the Indiana Super Mileage Challenge and the 2009 Green […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Green technology, Mathematics

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