Choose the Moon (again!) with the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Those who did not sit huddled in front of a blurry black and white television on July 20, 1969 watching bulky spacemen stir up dust on the lunar surface while mysterious beeps and static played in the background can now witness a a real-time multimedia computer simulation of that historic mission to the moon. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the U.S. Apollo 11 mission and moon landing “We Choose the Moon” has been released courtesy of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum.

We Choose the Moon web site image

“Lunar orbit begins” at the We Choose the Moon Web site.

Learn more about the Apollo missions and the space program at:

NASA Apollo Anniversary Features:

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum:

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum:

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Interactive, Physics, Science, multimedia

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