Introducing the 2009 NSDL Annual Meeting

NSDL Annual Meeting committee chair Susan Jesuroga reports in the NSDL Community Corner that this year’s meeting will be held November 17-19 at the Marriott at Metro Center in Washington DC. Please mark those dates on your calendar and stay tuned for details as they are available.

Annual Meeting 2007 in DC

View of the NSDL Annual Meeting 2007.

From the annual NSDL haiku collection to lively panel discussions participants will examine NSDL “writ large” to learn more about how to make it add up to more than the sum of its parts in creating innovative access to cyberlearning opportunities nationwide. The schedule will include presentations and posters from across the NSDL network– Pathways and partners–who are implementing NSDL resources and tools for K12 and undergraduate classrooms.

The NSDL Community blog will continue to feature up-t0-date Annual Meeting information:

Posted in Topics: 2009 NSDL Annual Meeting, Education

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