Archive for July, 2009

Deep-Fried School Rides

More students in school districts from Texas to Vermont are getting lessons in green technology every time they board a school bus powered with vegetable oil. Not only does biodiesel fuel made from recycled restaurant cooking oil save money, it also cuts down on carbon emissions, and is a healthier alternative for students who breath exhaust […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Green technology, Science, Technology

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Choose the Moon (again!) with the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum

Those who did not sit huddled in front of a blurry black and white television on July 20, 1969 watching bulky spacemen stir up dust on the lunar surface while mysterious beeps and static played in the background can now witness a a real-time multimedia computer simulation of that historic mission to the moon. To […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Interactive, Physics, Science, multimedia

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Introducing the 2009 NSDL Annual Meeting

NSDL Annual Meeting committee chair Susan Jesuroga reports in the NSDL Community Corner that this year’s meeting will be held November 17-19 at the Marriott at Metro Center in Washington DC. Please mark those dates on your calendar and stay tuned for details as they are available.

View of the NSDL Annual Meeting 2007.
From the annual […]

Posted in Topics: 2009 NSDL Annual Meeting, Education

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Dynamic Math and Science Learning With Computational Simulations

Bob Panoff, executive director of Shodor and NSDL’s CSERD: Computational Science Education Resources Pathway is passionate about using computational science teaching methods to stimulate student engagement in learning math and science. In a recent article for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) entitled “Simulations Deepen Scientific Learning,” he explains the role of simulations […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, multimedia

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