Archive for the 'Teacher professional development' Category

Providing teachers resources associated with Math Common Core standards

Looking for math resources related to the new Math Common Core State Standards released in June 2010? You came to the right place!  NSDL has assembled a collection of math resources from its providers and partners to create the NSDL Math Common Core collection. The collection is growing fast — new resources are being added and the collection […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Teacher professional development

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Smooth as CILC

CILC? What is it? Not silk (though it sounds the same), silt, or skulk. CILC is The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration—a non-profit providing ease-of-use access to great K-20 content in the form of engaging distance learning programs from exemplary providers. CILC services include teacher-rated videoconferencing events; professional development; collaboration; consultation; and other interactive […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Science, Teacher professional development, Technology, multimedia

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DLESE Earth Science Literacy Maps

The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)  has updated and released a new version of the DLESE Earth Science Literacy Maps. The Maps are a great tool to aid the teaching and learning of Earth system science. They show relationships between concepts, how concepts at a given level connect with and emerge from concepts […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Science, Teacher professional development

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Next Web Seminar: January 12th–Thinking Like a Scientist

Teaching science by discussing issues and current events is a great way to motivate your students to learn. Food-bourne illness, genetic engineering, environmental change—all of these provide a real-life context to help students understand science concepts. Where can I learn more about resources and strategies to do this effectively? Find out in our next […]

Posted in Topics: Teacher professional development, biology

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Timely Teachings: Seasons and the Cycles of Night & Day

Join our next free web seminar in our NSDL/NSTA Series: Timely Teachings: Seasons and the Cycles of Night & Day, Thursday, December 10, 2009 starting 6:30pm Eastern. We’ll review scientific principles, examine common misconceptions and formative assessment strategies, and discuss how to approach these topics by integrating science and literacy. We’ll also share resources […]

Posted in Topics: General, Teacher professional development

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A New Year of NSDL/NSTA Web Seminars Begins on Oct 15th

Participate in free professional development straight from your desktop through NSDL’s web seminar series with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). The first seminar for this school year begins on October 15th: Chemistry Comes Alive IV: Oxidation/Reduction. This seminar is for educators at high school and lower undergraduate levels. Register through […]

Posted in Topics: General, Science, Teacher professional development

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