Providing teachers resources associated with Math Common Core standards

Math Common Core collectionLooking for math resources related to the new Math Common Core State Standards released in June 2010? You came to the right place!  NSDL has assembled a collection of math resources from its providers and partners to create the NSDL Math Common Core collection. The collection is growing fast — new resources are being added and the collection is curated to assure both the quality of its content and the close relationship between resources and standards, via a three-tiered review process. The NSDL Math Common Core collection is organized by grade level and domains, with each resource further detailing the standards addressed. Content includes lesson plans, computer applets, presentations and explanations of procedures, and similar interactives that  give feedback on performance to learners and teachers. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Teacher professional development

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