Teachable moments: earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear worries …

Earthquake intensity map Japan 3/1/11NSDL makes available a wealth of high quality resources to enrich a “teachable moment” about the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear emergency that Japan is suffering since last Friday, March 11, 2011. You can find high resolution images in the Earthquake rocks Japan resource, and maps explaining the propagation of tsunami waves in Tsunami hits Japan after massive quake from the Teach the Earth: SERC Portal for Geoscience Educators.  Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, from Internet Scout, is another valuable resource. For computer interactives to understand how an earthquake epicenter is located and how the Richter magnitude of an earthquake is determined, take a look at Virtual Earthquake, an interactive web-based program provided by DLESE. They also offer the DLESE Earth Science Literacy Maps, a great tool to aid the teaching and learning of Earth system science, showing relationships between concepts, how concepts at a given level connect with and emerge from concepts at prior levels, and links to related National Science Education standards information.  In addition, the NSDL Science Literacy Map on plate tectonics allows users to browse a variety of resources including lesson plans, interactives and multimedia, for teaching and learning about these phenomena. Finaly, ALSOS, the Digital Library for Nuclear Issues offers a link to NOW: Nuclear Plant Security.

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