Archive for the 'Education' Category

Providing teachers resources associated with Math Common Core standards

Looking for math resources related to the new Math Common Core State Standards released in June 2010? You came to the right place!  NSDL has assembled a collection of math resources from its providers and partners to create the NSDL Math Common Core collection. The collection is growing fast — new resources are being added and the collection […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Teacher professional development

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Smooth as CILC

CILC? What is it? Not silk (though it sounds the same), silt, or skulk. CILC is The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration—a non-profit providing ease-of-use access to great K-20 content in the form of engaging distance learning programs from exemplary providers. CILC services include teacher-rated videoconferencing events; professional development; collaboration; consultation; and other interactive […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Science, Teacher professional development, Technology, multimedia

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Three S’s: Summer Sports STEM

What a great way to start the new academic year and get to know your students: ask them what they did during the summer! Chances are that they did a lot of sports. Be prepared to show them how sports relate to the math and science curricula! Here is a sample from our wealth of […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, General, Mathematics, Physics, Science

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Earth Day 2010: April 22

This year is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. It all started on April 22, 1970, when Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin hired a small staff, led by Denis Hayes, to coordinate a series of ‘teach-in’ activities throughout the country. Those teach-ins expanded and evolved into an energetic grassroots effort, and effectively, the beginning of […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Science

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The perfect time for citizen science projects…

Do you know about the Corvid family of birds? What about phenophases? Springtime is in the air and it’s a good time to engage students of all ages in some great citizen science projects.  Project BudBurst is an exemplary citizen scientist program that engages the public in making careful observations of phenophases:  first leafing, first […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Interactive, Science

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Teachers’ Domain: Biotechnology Collection

WGBH’s Teachers’ Domain - a goldmine of multimedia resources for K12 education - now has added value for middle school and high school educators and students, with its recently released Biotechnology Digital Media Collection. If you teach genetics, DNA, gene cloning, or other biotech topics, and are looking for ways to integrate high quality digital […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, General, Interactive, Science, Technology, biology

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DLESE Earth Science Literacy Maps

The Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)  has updated and released a new version of the DLESE Earth Science Literacy Maps. The Maps are a great tool to aid the teaching and learning of Earth system science. They show relationships between concepts, how concepts at a given level connect with and emerge from concepts […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Science, Teacher professional development

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Shining a Light on Physics: Fiber Optics and Digital Photography

Charles K. Kao, Willard S. Boyle, George E. Smith - Nobel prize winners in Physics for 2009. This week’s announcement by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honors these scientists for their foundational work in areas that have revolutionized modern life: information technology, and digital photography. It’s a great opportunity to utilize NSDL’s ComPADRE Physics […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Physics, Science, Technology

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Test Out the New NSDL K-12 Audience Pages

The K-12 audience pages have a new look to them. Try out the audience tabs to find more specific information at the grade level you teach, watch for resource highlights with a new topic each month (this month it’s on careers and the scientific process), and learn simple ways to incorporate more digital materials […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Science

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Stay Tuned for Digital Learning Assets From Nation’s Museums This Fall

The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History will be the site of the launch of the NSDL SMILE Pathway featuring resources from the nation’s leading science museums on Nov. 1, 2009 at a panel discussion to be presented during the Association for Science-Technology Centers Annual Meeting.

The lighthearted SMILE logo can be seen in action […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Green technology, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Social Studies, Technology, multimedia

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