Three S’s: Summer Sports STEM

What a great way to start the new academic year and get to know your students: ask them what they did during the summer! Chances are that they did a lot of sports. Be prepared to show them how sports relate to the math and science curricula! Here is a sample from our wealth of wonderful sources that could help you do that. The Internet Scout Project has the Physics of Sports collection, which includes content related to basketball, football, Scuba diving, and tons of other sports. In our AMSER Pathway, you will also find the Physics in Sports collection, where you can find videos of football players to explain Newton’s three laws of motion. Among our collections, you can explore The Science of Sports to get ideas and examples of lab projects that high school students have conducted related to the engineering of sports. Continuing with sports engineering, our ComPADRE Pathway can take you to The Science of Speed, a series of videos on the scientific and mathematical principles behind NASCAR racing and car designs. Furthermore, to get your students to think about disabilities, our Engineering Pathway includes the Able Sports resource in which students are asked to design a new sport for a given disability. Also, The Fun Works collection hosts Skateboard Science and the Science of Surfing. Last but not least, this summer your students may have been hooked up to the Soccer World Cup in South Africa. Examine our dragonflytv resources Soccer Ball that will help students to understand the science behind this beautiful sport and our Math Forum @ Drexel collection in which you could find in the Ask Dr. Math resource the item Math in Soccer that uses geometry to analyze the best position for a goalkeeper to prevent the goal!

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, General, Mathematics, Physics, Science

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One response to “Three S’s: Summer Sports STEM”

  1. Johnsie Kaiserman Says:

    Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site.

    really very helping……very informative….thanks to give us this knowledge

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