Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Issue 20: Climate Change

If you are not yet familiar with Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Integrating Literacy and Science in K-5 Classrooms, you should be! If the early summer is heating up too fast for you, take the opportunity to explore Issue 20 of this exemplary resource for K-5 teachers and students (the latest). BPPB is a terrific resource for helping young learners to understand science concepts while exercising their literacy skills.  The focus of  Issue 20 is on climate change, and features podcasts and articles from experts in the field.  Each issue of BPPB features: a science content article, a misconceptions article, a podcast, a feature story (with text differentiated along three grade bands) and an interview with a researcher (for Issue 20, Richard Alley). Packed with stunning images, lessons and activities, science content knowledge and feature stories, and podcasts, BPPB’s archive of issues covers great topics for use in the classroom: polar explorers, peoples of the Arctic, icebergs and glaciers, oceans, tundra, polar plans, mammals, patterns of day, night, and seasons, learning from the polar past.  Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is a project of the Ohio State University.

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