Archive for August, 2009

How one artist creates science in art and art in science

Artist and geologist Susan Eriksson uses a full palette of materials and methods in her artwork: rock, metal, paint…and even principles of chemistry. In a video interview from US News & World Report, you can see some of Dr. Eriksson’s artistic interpretations of landscapes, textures, and the geologist’s view of earth in […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, General

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NSDL is ALA “Digital Library of the Week”

The ALA Office for Library Advocacy selected the National Science Digital Library as the “Digital Library of the Week” for Aug. 12 at Web site. “Ilovelibraries” is an initiative of the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest (66,000 members) library association in the world with members in academic, public, school, government and […]

Posted in Topics: Science, Technology

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MAISON StrandMap Search for Teachers, Librarians, & Learners Who are Blind

The goal of the “Middleware for Accessible Information Spaces on NSDL (MAISON)” is to improve participation in NSDL by teachers, librarians, and learners who are blind. The Beta version of MAISON ( enhances access to NSDL, its internal and external resources and existing services (such as strand maps of educational benchmarks). MAISON is implemented as […]

Posted in Topics: Accessibility, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Strand maps, Technology

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