Shining a Light on Physics: Fiber Optics and Digital Photography

Charles K. Kao, Willard S. Boyle, George E. Smith - Nobel prize winners in Physics for 2009. This week’s announcement by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honors these scientists for their foundational work in areas that have revolutionized modern life: information technology, and digital photography. It’s a great opportunity to utilize NSDL’s ComPADRE Physics & Astronomy digital library to locate resources from multiple collections in the areas of fiber optics, lasers, and photoelectric effect, including Physics Classroom (tutorials for students), Physical Sciences Resource Center (PSRC), Physics Source introductory physics course materials, Physics to Go (self exploration of physics topics) and many more.

Posted in Topics: Education, Physics, Science, Technology

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One response to “Shining a Light on Physics: Fiber Optics and Digital Photography”

  1. Ruth Yehle Says:

    A close relative of mine has just been hired to work at the Fermilab and supersonductor super collider (SSC) at U of Chicago. I am a retired chemist and he will work on their computer farms. I am of course hoping my relative and I can discuss his work and that I can learn more about this physically huge (30 feet diameter “lens” plus ?) lab equipment which they describe as a large camera, detecting tiny physics particles after collision (of proton beams?) with energy calorimeters and ? for position of the particles. Any comments?

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