Smooth as CILC

CILCCILC? What is it? Not silk (though it sounds the same), silt, or skulk. CILC is The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration—a non-profit providing ease-of-use access to great K-20 content in the form of engaging distance learning programs from exemplary providers. CILC services include teacher-rated videoconferencing events; professional development; collaboration; consultation; and other interactive services uniquely suited to in-classroom and other-than-classroom learning. Well and good, you say. But you don’t understand the full range of their unique services until you tinker a bit under the hood. Go to and select the Content Provider Programs icon. Enter a keyword, like “water cycle,” perhaps. You’ll find 27 teacher-rated, grade-level-indicated, and national science standard-associated, (and if available, state standard-associated) videoconferencing programs that teachers can request for presentation. Ok, great. But then, how do I get it, and more importantly, do I have to pay for it? subscribe to it? and how would I do that? This is one of the best things about CILC.  Your school, district, or organization can set up a Content Dollar Bank that debits cost of programs against a restricted account your organization sets up with CILC, and they handle for you the management and payment of all costs to the program provider. You schedule the presentation with the provider at a suitable time, and have a great high quality, real-time presentation on topics of instruction that meet your curriculum needs. Browse Curriculum Packages; CILC’s professional development programs, or Research Highlights.  Consult CILC’s Videoconferencing Directories to find specific content, professional development providers, and videoconferencing sites. Every time a program is scheduled, an educator provides evaluative information on its use, and ratings of effectiveness. From these have evolved an annual acknowledgement: the Pinaccle Award, given to exemplary content providers, based on teacher evaluations. Explore CILC and see how you might use it in your educational setting!

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Science, Teacher professional development, Technology, multimedia

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