Dynamic Math and Science Learning With Computational Simulations

Bob Panoff, executive director of Shodor and NSDL’s CSERD: Computational Science Education Resources Pathway is passionate about using computational science teaching methods to stimulate student engagement in learning math and science. In a recent article for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) entitled “Simulations Deepen Scientific Learning,” he explains the role of simulations in making scientific theory understandable for students. Read the article here: http://bit.ly/Hn7Hv

Disease Epidemic Model screen shot

See how a disease spreads in a virtual population with the Disease Epidemic Model simulation: http://www.shodor.org/featured/DiseaseModel/.

In a review of tools and simulations offered by Shodor Panoff compares computational methods and models to microscopes or telescopes–instruments that help us see and understand objects that are either up close or far away. Making math and science crystal clear through the lens of computation is what Bob Panoff and Shodor do best. Find out for yourself by visiting Shodor’s computational simulations: http://shodor.org/activities/.

Posted in Topics: Education, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, multimedia

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