NSF Science on “Web TV”

NSF’s new Science Nation is a weekly, media rich “online magazine that’s all about science for the people.” Developed by CNN science producers, Science Nation topics take an entertaining look at the research and people that impact our day-to-day lives. The first two shows are about phenomena and events that most of us have wondered about. “Extremophile Hunter” (about the work of astrobiologist Richard Hoover) looks into the search for bacteria that have mutated to survive under adverse conditions. NASA and others believe that these extreme microorganisms may hold clues to what off-world life is like in harsh solar system environments. Hoover’s studies of possible fossilized remains of bacteria found in meteors that are older than earth may ultimately lead to an answer to the age old question: “Where did life originate?” “Unraveling the Mysteries of Tornadoes” is about people and technologies that work together to stay one step ahead of severe storms and public safety issues particularly in some western states.

These related NSDL resources may also be of interest:

The Astrobiology Web

This site offers up to date information on many topics related to astrobiology. There are many articles, vidoes clips, and press releases to look through to find the information you are looking for. Newa and reference web sites are designed to allow both the novice and specialist alike to explore outer space and Earth observation. 

From the collections of AMSER, comPADRE, DLESE, and Microbial Life Educational Resources

NASA Astrobiology Portal

NASA’s Astrobiology web site presents information about NASA’s astrobiology program, NASA’s astrobiology missions, and astrobiology. “Astrobiology is the study of life in the universe. It provides a biological perspective to many areas of NASA research, linking such endeavors as the search for habitable planets, exploration missions to Mars and Europa, efforts to understand the origin of life, and planning for the future of life beyond Earth.”

From the collections of Infomine and Microbial Life Educational Resources

 National Geographic Features: Inside Tornadoes

Users can view images of the storm chasers Tim Samaras and two colleagues’ at work. Everyone will enjoy the videos of the storm chasers setting up, the tornado moving over the camera, and Tim Samaras’s descriptions of storm chasers’ lives and tools.

From the collections of AMSER and Internet Scout

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Technology

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