Looking for Climate Change Impacts in the 21st Century

What do scientists do? The National Academies recently launched the African American History Web site to help answer that question for students and teachers. Important contributions made by African American scientists, engineers, and physicians are featured along with information about NAE programs and events. One of the scientists highlighted on the NAE Web site is Warren Washington, senior scientist and section head at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, who was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 2002 “for pioneering the development of coupled climate models, their use on parallel supercomputing architectures, and their interpretation.”

Washington has spent his distinguished career looking into how we might more accurately understand climate change patterns and how human behavior might affect them. Visit the NCAR Library Warren M. Washington Collection to learn more (http://www.ucar.edu/library/collections/washington/).These archival materials from 1963-2007, document Washington’s scientific, professional, and advisory activities, as well as his significant contributions to diversity issues, particularly the enhancement of opportunities for people of color in science.

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Mathematics, Science

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