Streamlined Browsing

Looking for a particular STEM subject resource? features streamlined collection browsing to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. Browse collections alphabetically or through subject gateways that include: Biological and Health Sciences; Engineering, Computing, and Technology; General Science and STEM; Geosciences; Mathematics; Physical Sciences; and Social Sciences. Within each of these broad categories, users may browse by audience: collections whose items have classroom utility are found in the For Educators and Learners category; collections without classroom application are found in the For Researchers and Professionals audience grouping. New Collections also displays collections according to date of accessioning, so newest collections are listed first.

Collection Browse feature at

NSDL’s flagship Pathways collections are affiliated with specific disciplines and appear in bold. Selecting a collection name brings up search results for that entire collection. Pathways-related resources are also featured on the right hand side of search results as “Relevant Results form NSDL Pathway Partners”.

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Health, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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