NSF Special Reports Go In-depth on NSF-supported Science Research Topics

National Science Foundation (NSF) Special Reports online feature topics that highlight scientific discoveries accomplished with NSF support. Topics include weather, evolution, mathematics, visualization, technology, polar, infectious disease, robotics, wild animals, earthquake engineering, cyberinfrastructure, tsunami, arctic and climate. Special reports are available as interactive resources or as text only versions. This collection has recently been added to NSDL.

Climate Change Special Report homepage

NSF Special Reports look at aspects of cross-cutting topics from multiple disciplinary perspectives. The recently published “Climate Change” Special Report, for example, examines this complex issue throught the broad lenses of current research on Sky, Sea, Life, Land, Life and People.

These publications also take on topics that are of national significance such as the decline in mathematics educational acheivement by U.S. students. Research supported by NSF is highlighted in “Math, What’s the Problem” which looks at the role of teaching, curriculum and technology in math education, and demonstrates the importance of math education to all citizens.

Date Updated: January 26, 2009

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Green technology, Health, Interactive, Mathematics, Physics, Science, Social Studies, Technology, multimedia, polar regions

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