“Vrroooom-Vroom” Goes Green

Driving less, biking more, paying attention to vehicle fuel efficiency, and looking for economical transportation options are all worthy endeavors, especially right now.  American’s love affair with cars, however, and their utility as a platform for studying environmental engineering challenges is far from over. Two springtime events–the Indiana Super Mileage Challenge and the 2009 Green Grand Prix in Watkins Glen, NY promise to highlight advances in green auto engineering that will make automobiles run better, faster and farther on less.

1914 Woods Electric Dual Tiller Brougham

A 1914 Woods Electric Dual Tiller Brougham, the last remaining example, owned by Golden Miles LLC will be exhibited at the Green Grand Prix in Watkins Glen, NY on May 2, 2009.

27 entries designed and built by Indiana high school students compete in the Indiana Super Mileage Challenge (SMC) on April 27, 2009 to help engineer solutions for our nation’s energy needs. The SMC is sponsored by the Indiana Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Alliance took place at O’Reilly Raceway Park in Indianapolis where SMC High School students applied Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) principles to design, engineer, construct, test and evaluate vehicles that obtain the highest MPG (http://www.oreillyracewaypark.com/apcm/templates/racedivisions.asp?articleid=36050&zoneid=95). Results are not yet in but check their web sites below to find out how they did: http://www.doe.in.gov/octe/technologyed/SuperMileageChallenge.html.

On Saturday May 2 Hybrid & Alternative Vehicles will run the only the official Sports Car Club of America (SCCA). Time-Speed-Distance Road Rally for Hybrid and Alternate Fuel Vehicles in North America. The Fourth Annual Green Grand Prix rally is hosted by the International Motor Racing Research Center will be run over 60 miles of scenic roads concluding in the streets of Watkins Glen by midday. The first official Green Grand Prix was run by 34 cars following a course around the 78 mile perimeter of Seneca Lake in western New York State in 2006.

Post-rally activities are centered at the Racing Research Center in Watkins Glen. The Wayne Technical and Career Center in Williamson, N.Y., will showcase a student-made portable energy lab, which includes solar panels and a wind generator. Also featured will be an Electrathon electric race car from Baker High School in Baldwinsville, N.Y. Cars on display will include The Woods Electric Dual Tiller, a production electric vehicle built in 1914.

A panel discussion will address sustainability issues, and Cornell University’s X-Prize Team, which has been working on a 100 mpg mass-producible car, is expected to do a presentation on its project.

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Green technology, Mathematics

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One response to ““Vrroooom-Vroom” Goes Green”

  1. HHO Tek Green Technology Says:

    electric cars are the future for sure whether its from a hydrogen fuel cell source or from a super efficient battery pack (more efficient than the tesla(which is incredible)) it is where the future is going. i must say im going to miss the sound of a turbocharged motor and ripping through the gears, but it will happen eventually. It will be for the greater good. As far as a 100 mpg car, that is a very feasible project we have achieved 60mpg with a lexus lx470 which is a very large suv with a v8 granted it was not an inexpensive conversion. but the same type of technology used in a smaller car could possibly hit that mark, so the 100 mpg mark although very elusive at this time, i feel is very possible in the near future.

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