Comments on: “Vrroooom-Vroom” Goes Green Highlights are information nuggets that are published at Topics include information about new library resources, as well as stories about discoveries, events, activities and current news. Wed, 06 Mar 2013 19:46:32 +0000 By: HHO Tek Green Technology HHO Tek Green Technology Fri, 24 Jul 2009 21:34:58 +0000 electric cars are the future for sure whether its from a hydrogen fuel cell source or from a super efficient battery pack (more efficient than the tesla(which is incredible)) it is where the future is going. i must say im going to miss the sound of a turbocharged motor and ripping through the gears, but it will happen eventually. It will be for the greater good. As far as a 100 mpg car, that is a very feasible project we have achieved 60mpg with a lexus lx470 which is a very large suv with a v8 granted it was not an inexpensive conversion. but the same type of technology used in a smaller car could possibly hit that mark, so the 100 mpg mark although very elusive at this time, i feel is very possible in the near future. electric cars are the future for sure whether its from a hydrogen fuel cell source or from a super efficient battery pack (more efficient than the tesla(which is incredible)) it is where the future is going. i must say im going to miss the sound of a turbocharged motor and ripping through the gears, but it will happen eventually. It will be for the greater good. As far as a 100 mpg car, that is a very feasible project we have achieved 60mpg with a lexus lx470 which is a very large suv with a v8 granted it was not an inexpensive conversion. but the same type of technology used in a smaller car could possibly hit that mark, so the 100 mpg mark although very elusive at this time, i feel is very possible in the near future.
