Changes in the ChemEd DL Blog

In the past the ChemEd DL blog contained mainly items from the Journal of Chemical Education. These included editorials that I wrote when I was editor of the JCE and columns written by Erica Jacobsen and Laura Slocum, the high school editors. Other items were reprinted from the JCE when we thought they would be of interest to this audience. The JCE now has a new editor, Norbert Pienta, and is being co-published by the American Chemical Society, which has decided that all JCE content should be available only from the ACS Publications Web site. Therefore you have not seen a lot of posts here lately.

That is now going to change. There will be more posts and they will be different. I will try to provide thoughtful and thought-provoking statements about educational issues in chemistry that come to my attention. I will also provide news that may be of interest to readers from middle school through graduate level. (For example, I have just posted about an award for primarily undergraduate institutions from the Dreyfus Foundation.) There may also be posts from others who have something to say, and I would very much appreciate receiving your comments and questions about any thing I post. If you want to send your comments directly to me, my email address is

I look forward to a renewed ChemEd DL blog and to your continuing participation.


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