Archive for the 'News & Announcements' Category

“It’s Elemental” Winners

A previous blog post shared information about the Chemical Heritage Foundation’s “It’s Elemental” video competition for high school students to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry. A recent report says that approximately 700 individuals and groups responded to their call for videos. Winners were notified this month. The grand-prize individual winner was Daniyal N. Khan […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, News & Announcements, Periodic Table

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Green Chemistry in the High School Curriculum

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) offers Web-based seminars throughout the year that highlight different areas of science. NSTA describes the seminars as “free, 90-minute, live professional development experiences that use online learning technologies to allow participants to interact with nationally acclaimed experts, NSTA Press authors, and scientists, engineers, and educaiton specialists from NSTA partner […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, High School, News & Announcements

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Contributions to the ChemEd DL Blog

John Moore’s June 14, 2010, post to this blog described recent changes to the Journal of Chemical Education. The decision was made to discontinue posting items to this blog that were published in JCE, such as the monthly Especially for High School Teachers column, which had previously formed a large part of the content on […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, News & Announcements, Periodic Table

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New National Science Education Standards

The National Academies (including the National Academy of Science) in cooperation with several other groups are working on new science education standards that they intend will be adopted by all states. A major goal of such a project is to consolidate the many different sets of state science standards that arose in the wake of […]

Posted in Topics: Education, High School, Middle School, News & Announcements

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China Atop U.S. in Biofuels

The American Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) is a leading organization in the storage and retrieval of chemical information. As such, CAS is in an excellent position to judge trends in development and commercialization of chemistry-related research. On June 24, 2010, CAS posted a research report titled, “China Takes Lead in the Commercialization of […]

Posted in Topics: Energy, General, News & Announcements

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Gulf Oil Spill: A Chemistry Perspective

Chemical & Engineering News, the magazine that goes to all members of the American Chemical Society, has devoted a special issue to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The articles are mostly available to anyone, but a few of them are only available to ACS members. They provide important scientific background for […]

Posted in Topics: Energy, News & Announcements

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