Archive for October, 2010

Green Chemistry in the High School Curriculum

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) offers Web-based seminars throughout the year that highlight different areas of science. NSTA describes the seminars as “free, 90-minute, live professional development experiences that use online learning technologies to allow participants to interact with nationally acclaimed experts, NSTA Press authors, and scientists, engineers, and educaiton specialists from NSTA partner […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, High School, News & Announcements

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White House Summit on Community College

Last week the President spoke at a White House Summit on Community Colleges (information, fact sheets, and a video of the closing session are available at Chaired by Dr. Jill Biden, a community college educator for 17 years and the Vice President’s wife, the summit was designed to “highlight the critical role that community […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Instrumentation from the Inside Out

At the recent American Chemical Society (ACS) national meeting in Boston, I spent an evening on the exhibit show floor. Walking the floor at an ACS meeting always leaves me a little bit wanting, as my current stage in life and employment does not require the purchase of cutting-edge instrumentation, specialty glassware, or textbooks. However, […]

Posted in Topics: General, Teaching, Technology

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Letters Reveal Rivalries in Discovery of DNA Structure

Letters written to Francis Crick and from Crick to others have resurfaced. The letters highlight rivalries between Watson and Crick at Cambridge University and Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin at King’s C0llege, London, with the specter of Linus Pauling in the background. The British researchers wanted desperately to find the DNA structure before Pauling–but not […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, General, High School, Undergraduate

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