Archive for July, 2008

Mathematics Education

Mathematics is fundamental to science because a great many aspects of science are best described and elucidated using mathematical tools. Lack of preparation in mathematics hampers many students’ efforts to learn science and prevents many other students from pursuing science at all. Consequently, mathematics education is important not only for mathematicians, but for all scientists. […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, General, High School, Mathematics, Science

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I recently had the pleasure of listening to a talk, “Scientific Challenges in Sustainable Energy Technology”, by Nathan S. Lewis, California Institute of Technology. Lewis summarized data on energy resources and provided his analysis of their implications for the future of human society. He has provided slides, text, and a streaming audio/video version at his […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, Energy, General, High School, Science, Technology

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Playing Matchmaker (August 2008)

from Erica Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
If you haven’t visited it before, (accessed Jun 2008) probably isn’t quite what you think. The Web site does focus on chemistry—of the matchmaking kind. The online dating service uses an algorithm created by Helen E. Fisher, an anthropologist who has studied the neural chemistry of people in […]

Posted in Topics: High School, Science, Teaching

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