Archive for the 'Technology' Category

A Daily Dose of Chemistry

Happy International Year of Chemistry! 1-1-11 marks the start of a year-long focus on the “achievements of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humankind”, with the theme “Chemistry—our life, our future”.
The American Chemical Society has launched an online tool to help us learn more about these achievements and contributions. “365: Chemistry for Life” […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Science, Teaching, Technology

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Instrumentation from the Inside Out

At the recent American Chemical Society (ACS) national meeting in Boston, I spent an evening on the exhibit show floor. Walking the floor at an ACS meeting always leaves me a little bit wanting, as my current stage in life and employment does not require the purchase of cutting-edge instrumentation, specialty glassware, or textbooks. However, […]

Posted in Topics: General, Teaching, Technology

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Including the Environment in Our Teaching

At the recent ACS National Meeting in Boston I attended a symposium on global climate change. The first speaker challenged educators to provide better background for students to understand the science of the atmosphere and climate. In a democracy, that seems absolutely essential, but how many of us are really including these things in what […]

Posted in Topics: Energy, General, Technology

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Computer Game Is an Important Research Tool

A report published in Nature last Thursday, August 4, describes the success of the computer game Foldit, which is designed to encourage people to contribute to research on protein folding and at the same time have fun. (The Nature article is restricted to those with subscriptions, but a layman’s description is here.) The success of […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Science, Technology

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Seeing is Believing: Learning from Periodic Table Live! Videos

What can you and your students learn from videos showing reactions of the elements? A lot! The link below is to an article that describes what we learned from videos that show elements reacting with air, water, acids, and base and how what the video showed compared with textbook descriptions. Tied to this year’s National […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Periodic Table, Technology

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Elements on Facebook: Support Your Favorite Element

Would your students like to use Facebook for science networking? Would you like them to? The link below goes to an article from the Journal of Chemical Education that describes the Elements on Facebook project which allows your students to support their favorite element.

This makes a great opportunity to engage students and the public in […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Periodic Table, Technology

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Using Periodic Table Live! Effectively

Would you like to excite your students with an interactive periodic table that contains videos, graphing, data, and more? Here’s what it looks like.

Read about Periodic Table Live! and try it with your students! PTL! is a free resource available from the ChemEd DL at
This post contains a PDF file of an article from […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Periodic Table, Technology

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Connections between Light and Color (September 2009)

from Laura Slocum, JCE High School Associate Editor
Probably like many of you, I connect light and color through science—an object absorbs various types of light and then the color of the object is a result of the light that it reflects. The color we see also depends on how our eyes and brains translate that […]

Posted in Topics: Award Address, High School, Technology

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Comment Communication (June 2009)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
I’m a fairly casual blog follower. There are only a few links of that sort in my Web browser’s bookmarks bar, all maintained by geographically distant friends. When I have a few minutes of downtime and the laptop is running, I’ll “drop in” for a quick update on […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Teaching, Technology

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Sharing and Its Rewards (December 2008)

from Laura Slocum, JCE High School Associate Editor
I am on a “teacher’s high” right now! I can’t thank you—my chemistry colleagues—enough. This past week my AP Chemistry students started a lab that is often referred to as the “Green Crystal Lab”. It involves the synthesis of solid K3Fe(C2O4)3·3H2O (green crystals) and can be followed by […]

Posted in Topics: High School, Science, Technology

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