Archive for March, 2009

Are We Really Teaching Science? (April 2009)

The dictionary definition of science begins something like this: The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena. Notice that all the nouns are derived from verbs: observe, identify, describe, investigate, and explain. This implies strongly that science is more a process than a body of knowledge. Only later do we find: […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, General, Science, Teaching

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Changes–Why Consider Them? (April 2009)

from Laura Slocum, JCE High School Associate Editor
A couple of years ago I started making small changes to the order in which I teach some of the topics in my first-year chemistry course. I did this because I had noticed that when I followed the traditional chapter order of the text, I was transitioning back […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, High School

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