Archive for February, 2009

Bon Appetit (March 2009)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
Hungry for Food Chemistry
I’m hungry. Can’t say that I remember the last time reading a magazine brought on an attack of the munchies, but the March issue of the Journal of Chemical Education got my mouth watering. A major reason for this was Miles and Bachman’s article (p […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Teaching

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Is America Subprime? (March 2009)

You might think it right up to date if this editorial began, “All the oratory and publicity aside, the American public and government remain unwilling to face up squarely to the energy problems that are upon us, and to the resulting constraints on living and productivity that they portend.” That’s too bad, because these words […]

Posted in Topics: General, Health, Mathematics

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Charting a Course for Chemistry Education

by Mary M. Kirchhoff and Richard N. Zare
What can a professional society with 160,000 members do that can have a special, transformative effect on education in the United States? That is the question posed by the American Chemical Society (ACS) Board of Directors to the newly created Board-Presidential Task Force on Education. The Task Force […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General

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