Archive for January, 2009

“The Sky’s the Limit” Thinking (February 2009)

from Erica Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
“When it rains, it pours.” The classic Morton Salt slogan pops into my head every once in awhile when I use the salt shaker. I appreciate the cleverness of taking the original meaning of the idiom, and exchanging it for the meaning that the salt doesn’t clump, even when […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School, Teaching

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Documenting the Value of Education (February 2009)

The 20th century is often called “The American Century”, reflecting the broad influence of the United States of America on world affairs during the past 100 years. Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, authors of The Race between Education and Technology, argue that a major factor in America’s becoming the richest and most influential nation […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, General, Social Studies

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Sustainability (December 2008)

One trillion dollars. That’s a lot of money. It’s what the U.S. government is likely to spend to shore up (bail out) financial institutions that got into trouble through their own excesses. European governments are likely to spend a similar amount in a similar cause. It is also what we owe to China in the […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, Ethics, General, Science, Social Studies

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