Archive for the 'Careers' Category

Letters Reveal Rivalries in Discovery of DNA Structure

Letters written to Francis Crick and from Crick to others have resurfaced. The letters highlight rivalries between Watson and Crick at Cambridge University and Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin at King’s C0llege, London, with the specter of Linus Pauling in the background. The British researchers wanted desperately to find the DNA structure before Pauling–but not […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, General, High School, Undergraduate

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Nanotechnology Degree Programs on the Rise

. As recently as a few years ago it was popular to regard nanoscience and nanotechnology as fads that would pass. I recall, for example, being chided by some for using the term “nanoscale” in a first-year college chemistry textbook. But this is one fad that is not passing–at least as measured by the rapidly […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, Education, High School, Undergraduate

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The Teaching Philosophy Statement: Purposes and Organizational Structure

by Robert J. Eierman
In a recent Chemical and Engineering News (1), more than 40% of position advertisements for new college chemistry faculty members included a request for candidates to provide a teaching philosophy statement as part of the application file. Another 20% requested a statement of teaching plans or interests. Almost all primarily undergraduate institutions […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, General, Teaching

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The Many Faces of Chemistry (October 2007)

from Erica K. Jacobsen, JCE High School Editor
Growing up, I moved through a series of career choices. Early on, being a professional tennis player was high on the list. I admired two top women’s players, Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert-Lloyd. However, sheer lack of talent nixed that idea. After that, being an optometrist was my […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, Education, High School

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The Many Faces of (General) Chemistry (October 2007)

The theme for this year’s National Chemistry Week is “The Many Faces of Chemistry”. In support of this theme, Erica Jacobsen and Betty Moore coordinated the series of career profiles of chemists on pages 1564, 1567, 1569, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1576, 1578, 1579, 1581, 1582, 1583, and 1585. The diversity of careers described there as […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, Editorial, General

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