Exploratorium AfterSchool Activities

In response to a need for professional development in science for afterschool educators, the Exploratorium, the premier science center located in San Francisco, organized a series of teacher training workshops and online resources for the afterschool community. Even before they started their first workshop, Sherry Hsi, Director of Online Learning at the Exploratorium, and her team did extensive research by surveying the needs of afterschool educators and conducting site visits to afterschool care providers.

Listening to and responding to needs expressed by educators in California in partnership with the California School-Age Consortium (CALSAC), the Exploratorium created a series of activities and videos that any educator can access online. These activities, using low cost materials suited for the afterschool environment, downloadable activity outlines, and online demonstration videos, provide a fun and interactive way for afterschool programs to infuse more science education in their activities and curricula.

NSDL Sites to See: Be sure to check out the The Exploratorium Digital Library and the Exploratorium’s Learning Resource Collection

Posted in Topics: General, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development

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