Archive for the 'Careers in Science' Category

From biotech to geoscience…using multiple NSDL resources

Thinking of using biotechnology as a focus of upcoming middle or high school science instruction?  Use the new collection from Teachers’ Domain (see NSDL Highlights) to help construct your unit using these high quality multimedia resources. The Biotechnology collection contains valuable QuickTime videos, Flash interactives, still photos, and other resources that you can incorporate, […]

Posted in Topics: Careers in Science, Chemistry, Education, High School Resources, Life science, Science

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Earth Science Week, October 12-18, 2008

No Child Left Inside…
We are in the midst of Earth Science Week 2008 (October 12-18)! Take the opportunity before the week is over (as well as beyond it) to access the valuable materials for teachers and students at the American Geological Institute’s (AGI) Earth Science Week site. With the theme of “No Child Left Inside,” […]

Posted in Topics: Careers in Science, Earth Science, General, Science

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