Archive for August, 2009

An approach for integrating more technology

As many teachers have experienced, deciding to use more technology-related tools and materials in your teaching can be overwhelming. Where do I start? How can I find a way to use technology that is more rooted in what I’m trying to accomplish with my students? How do I let go of the […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, General, Technology, Technology: Elementary, Technology: High School

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Atlas of Science Literacy Workshops for 09-10

If you’re working on the daunting task of revising your curriculum to better meet standards or have a need to hone in on selecting teaching materials that better align to learning goals, you might want to attend a workshop on the AAAS Project 2061 Atlas of Science Literacy. These maps show science concepts in […]

Posted in Topics: Prof Dev: NSDL Network and News

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Fossils: Suggested links and sequence

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is an online professional development magazine–or rather cyberzine–that serves as a great resource with lots of ideas for teaching. You can find tips on teaching a unit on fossils (a student favorite). In the Science and Literacy Department of the April 2008 issue, author Jessica Fries-Gaither provides […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, Elementary Resources, General

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Chemistry Comes Alive IV: Oxidation/Reduction

Join us for this free, online web seminar from the NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar Series for the 2009-2010 school year!
Title: Chemistry Comes Alive IV: Oxidation/ Reduction
Date: Oct 15, 2009
Time: 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m. Eastern Time
Presenters: John Moore, Lynn Diener, Shannon Stahl
Registration is free!
Oxidation/reduction is one of the most difficult concepts taught in an introductory chemistry classroom. Students often struggle […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, General, NSDL/NSTA Web Seminars, Science, Teacher professional development

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A “catchy” interactive on the spread of disease

If you’ve ever used interactives or simulations in your teaching, you know that these kind of materials can help illustrate complex concepts or ideas more visually and with more opportunities for student interaction.
With so much in the news about swine flu, using Shodor’s Disease Model, can teach your students about the spread of disease while […]

Posted in Topics: General, High School Resources, Life science

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A simple way to start creating online lessons

If you’re just starting to dip your toes into the greater “wild world web” for using digital resources in your elementary classroom, a slight change in the way you approach a lesson can give you a better sense of how to manage and incorporate more online resources in your teaching.
Take for example a math […]

Posted in Topics: Technology: Elementary, mathematics

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