Atlas of Science Literacy Workshops for 09-10

If you’re working on the daunting task of revising your curriculum to better meet standards or have a need to hone in on selecting teaching materials that better align to learning goals, you might want to attend a workshop on the AAAS Project 2061 Atlas of Science Literacy. These maps show science concepts in a progression of learning from early childhood to secondary education. They provide a valuable tool in your toolbox when it comes to integrating teaching materials, learning goals, learning theory, benchmarks, and standards into a more cohesive practice. Click here for more information.

Roll your sleeves up and attend one of these sessions:

* Durham, NC: September 14-16, 2009

* Washington, DC: October 19-21, 2009

* Cambridge, MA: January 25-27, 2010

* Denver, CO: February 3-5, 2010

* Columbia, MO: October 6-8, 2010

Posted in Topics: Prof Dev: NSDL Network and News

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