Archive for the 'Technology' Category

For Middle School Teachers: Tips for Participating in the MSP2 Social Network

Join us in learning more about the Middle School Portal 2 Math & Science Pathway (MSP2) NING social networking platform - the layout of the site, how to personalize your My Page, and all the ways you can connect to colleagues using profile data and search. If you have questions - bring them to this […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Online learning, Prof Dev: NSDL Network and News, Technology

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Provide your feedback on PRISMS site, stipend offer

The Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance is looking for 25-30 teachers and teacher educators (pre-service faculty, curriculum developers, professional development consultants, science specialists, etc.) to complete an evaluation questionnaire for feedback on the NSF-funded PRISMS web site at: . PRISMS stands for Phenomena and Representations for the Instruction of Science in Middle School and […]

Posted in Topics: General, Prof Dev: NSDL Network and News, Technology

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Interactive Whiteboards: Tech Talk from MSP2

Learn strategies on how to use interactive whiteboards in the classroom from Todd Williamson in this archived webinar from the NSDL Middle School Social Network

Posted in Topics: Technology, Technology: Elementary, Technology: High School

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An approach for integrating more technology

As many teachers have experienced, deciding to use more technology-related tools and materials in your teaching can be overwhelming. Where do I start? How can I find a way to use technology that is more rooted in what I’m trying to accomplish with my students? How do I let go of the […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, General, Technology, Technology: Elementary, Technology: High School

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Will Richardson: On the Obama Campaign, Digital Footprints and the Call for Change in Education

Will Richardson, author of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms and his popular blog recently presented at the National Middle School Association conference in Denver. The session was packed with information and thought-provoking ideas, some of which I have captured here:
Our ability to form groups through the use of […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, Education, General, Online learning, Technology

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Online Resources for Science and Literacy

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is a free, online magazine dedicated to integrating science and literacy! With the polar regions as a context, each issue of the magazine contains professional development articles, lesson plans, downloadable assessment probes and nonfiction stories for students, stories of polar researchers, and much more.
The magazine is aimed at K-5 educators, […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Teacher professional development, Technology

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