Archive for September, 2009

Interactive Whiteboards: Tech Talk from MSP2

Learn strategies on how to use interactive whiteboards in the classroom from Todd Williamson in this archived webinar from the NSDL Middle School Social Network

Posted in Topics: Technology, Technology: Elementary, Technology: High School

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A Short List of Activities for Earth Science Week

Here’s a short list of activities you can do to celebrate National Earth Science Week (Oct 11-17) with your students:
Activities are listed by grade level and content standards. This list is provided by the American Geological Institute, AGI.
Want more? Try the NSDL Science Literacy Maps to find NSDL resources using science benchmarks around […]

Posted in Topics: Earth Science, High School Resources

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Have your students contribute to the National Day on Writing, October 20

Students, teachers, all walks of life are encouraged to contribute to the National Gallery of Writing to celebrate the National Day on Writing, October 20, 2009. Need some help in getting ideas? How about some suggested topics and activities from the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Cyberzine on ways to integrate science […]

Posted in Topics: Elementary Resources, Science Writing

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