Archive for the 'mathematics' Category

A simple way to start creating online lessons

If you’re just starting to dip your toes into the greater “wild world web” for using digital resources in your elementary classroom, a slight change in the way you approach a lesson can give you a better sense of how to manage and incorporate more online resources in your teaching.
Take for example a math […]

Posted in Topics: Technology: Elementary, mathematics

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Middle Schools-What Do We Know? NSDL Brown Bag, Dec 11th

The National Science Digital LibraryƄnd the National Middle School Association invite you to a free webinar from the National Science Digital Library Brown Bag Series:
Title: Middle School-What Do We Know?
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 2008
Time: 1:00 PM EST
Duration: 1 hour
Host(s): NMSA and the NSDL Resource Center
National Middle School Association in collaboration with the National Science Digital […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development, mathematics

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Online Learning: Recent Trends and Resources

In the past year, a greater interest in online learning has brought forth a flurry of discussion on what schools should offer their students and teachers in terms of training and course development suited for an online medium. The 2007 Speak Up Survey conducted by Project Tomorrow polled students, teachers, parents, and school leaders […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development, mathematics

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