Archive for September, 2008

Online Resources for Science and Literacy

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is a free, online magazine dedicated to integrating science and literacy! With the polar regions as a context, each issue of the magazine contains professional development articles, lesson plans, downloadable assessment probes and nonfiction stories for students, stories of polar researchers, and much more.
The magazine is aimed at K-5 educators, […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Teacher professional development, Technology

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Online Learning: Recent Trends and Resources

In the past year, a greater interest in online learning has brought forth a flurry of discussion on what schools should offer their students and teachers in terms of training and course development suited for an online medium. The 2007 Speak Up Survey conducted by Project Tomorrow polled students, teachers, parents, and school leaders […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development, mathematics

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Additional Resources for Teachers and Students

Thanks, Robert for posting all of those valuable astronomy resources. I would like to add another. The AAPT digital library for K-12 Physics and Astronomy that is under the ComPADRE Pathways Project: There you will find lesson plans, references, activities, simulations, assessments, teacher content support and student tutorials as well as much much more….

Posted in Topics: General, Physics and Astronomy, Science

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Celebrating Astronomy: NSDL Web Seminar, Thursday Sept. 25th

2009 marks the 400th anniversary in celebrating Gallileo’s use of a telescope to study the night sky. As a prelude to the International Year of Astronomy, NSDL offers the first seminar in the 2008 Fall Series: Celebrating Astronomy: A Star’s Story on Thursday, September 25th. Our NSDL experts, Dr. Cathy […]

Posted in Topics: General, Physics and Astronomy, Teacher professional development

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Welcome to the Learning DigitalK12 Blog

This blog is for K12 educators to explore, discuss, and learn about resources, tools, and educational issues related to the use of digital resources in teaching. Entries will include highlights from the NSDL collection, content and materials showcased in the NSDL Web Seminar Series in partnership with the National Science Teachers Association, best practices […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, General, Science

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