Online Resources for Science and Literacy

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears is a free, online magazine dedicated to integrating science and literacy! With the polar regions as a context, each issue of the magazine contains professional development articles, lesson plans, downloadable assessment probes and nonfiction stories for students, stories of polar researchers, and much more.

The magazine is aimed at K-5 educators, though middle and high school teachers will also find topics and resources of interest. Each issue is based on a theme or concept commonly taught (or introduced) in the elementary grades. The September 2008 issue, Rocks and Minerals, discusses the types of rocks found in Antarctica and provides resources for teaching about geology. October’s issue, Energy and  the Polar Environment, explores the concepts of solar radiation, albedo, and natural resources as they pertain to the elementary grades. Find these issues and more at!

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears project staff also conduct online seminars and learning activities. Monthly chats at Tapped In explore the latest magazine issue. The next Tapped In event on Thursday, October 9 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time, will discuss the concepts of solar radiation, albedo, and  natural resources and explore resources found in the October issue of the magazine.

In addition, Beyond Penguins staff will host two upcoming NSTA/NSDL web seminars on Wednesday, October 29 and Thursday, Nov 13. In these seminars, Carol Landis and Jessica Fries-Gaither will share content knowledge and strategies appropriate for elementary teachers.

On October 29, learn about the types of ice in the polar regions and how to integrate physical science concepts with literacy strategies. On November 13, learn about solar energy and discover resources to use in your classroom. Register for these free web seminars at the NSTA Learning Center.

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Teacher professional development, Technology

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