Archive for the 'Chemistry' Category

Digital Resource Package for Teaching Energy

The National Science Digital Library has a wealth of high quality digital resources to teach almost any topic in K-12 math and science.  Following is a sample of 22 exemplar NSDL links specific to teaching energy at the K-12 level from the more than 7,000 energy-related resources available at the National Science Digital Library.   These resources […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Climate change, Earth Science, General, Life science, biology

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Digital Resource Package for Teaching Atomic Structure

The National Science Digital Library has a wealth of high quality digital resources to teach almost any topic in K-12 math and science.  Following is a sample of 20 exemplar NSDL links specific to teaching atomic structure at the K-12 level.
The History of the Atom

Atomic Structure Timeline  This site explores discoveries related to atomic structure including the electron, […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry

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From biotech to geoscience…using multiple NSDL resources

Thinking of using biotechnology as a focus of upcoming middle or high school science instruction?  Use the new collection from Teachers’ Domain (see NSDL Highlights) to help construct your unit using these high quality multimedia resources. The Biotechnology collection contains valuable QuickTime videos, Flash interactives, still photos, and other resources that you can incorporate, […]

Posted in Topics: Careers in Science, Chemistry, Education, High School Resources, Life science, Science

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Chemistry Comes Alive IV: Oxidation/Reduction

Join us for this free, online web seminar from the NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar Series for the 2009-2010 school year!
Title: Chemistry Comes Alive IV: Oxidation/ Reduction
Date: Oct 15, 2009
Time: 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m. Eastern Time
Presenters: John Moore, Lynn Diener, Shannon Stahl
Registration is free!
Oxidation/reduction is one of the most difficult concepts taught in an introductory chemistry classroom. Students often struggle […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, General, NSDL/NSTA Web Seminars, Science, Teacher professional development

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Spice Up Your Teaching: Brown Bag Archives

Our series of summer webinars on chemistry, physics and multimedia resources is now available through our recorded archives. These three hour-long sessions demonstrate a host of resources, ideas and tips to spice up your teaching. Take a look to plan for your school year!

Multimedia Resources: Teachers Domain
Chemistry: ChemEdDL
Physics: The Physics Front

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, General, NSDL K12 Brown Bags, Physics and Astronomy

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Grains of knowledge, grains of rice: A fun game that helps others in need

How about learning chemical symbols while helping to end world hunger? Need to brush up on your favorite classic painters? Improve your vocabulary? You can do all these things on Free Rice, a site run by the United Nations World Food Bank.
You select a topic area and the degree of difficulty you […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Online learning

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Chemistry Resources: Water

Use some of these great resources mentioned in the NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar: Chemistry Comes Alive III: Water.
We’ve used a Diigo list, a social bookmarking site to list these resources. Diigo allows you to save bookmarks right off of your browser. You can then send them to your colleagues, make annotations and notes on […]

Posted in Topics: Bookmarks, Chemistry, General, Science, Teacher professional development

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The Chemistry of Halloween Candles

An image from “Candles at Halloween–Periodic Table of Videos.”
Have you ever wondered what was happening in the burning flame of a candle? The University of Nottingham invites viewers to find out in a seasonal video that details the chemistry of candles here–just in time for Halloween!
The University of Nottingham hosts a series of 118 videos that […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Online learning, Science

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