Archive for the 'Online learning' Category

For Middle School Teachers: Tips for Participating in the MSP2 Social Network

Join us in learning more about the Middle School Portal 2 Math & Science Pathway (MSP2) NING social networking platform - the layout of the site, how to personalize your My Page, and all the ways you can connect to colleagues using profile data and search. If you have questions - bring them to this […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Online learning, Prof Dev: NSDL Network and News, Technology

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Timely Teachings: Seasons and the Cycles of Night & Day

Join us for this free, online web seminar from the NSDL/NSTA Web Seminar Series for the 2009-2010 school year!
Timely Teachings: Seasons and the Cycles of Night & Day
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2009
Time: 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m. Eastern Time
Join Jessica Fries-Gaither, science resource specialist at Ohio State University, as we discuss two challenging topics in the elementary and middle […]

Posted in Topics: Elementary Resources, General, NSDL/NSTA Web Seminars, Online learning, Prof Dev: NSDL Network and News, Teacher professional development

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Grains of knowledge, grains of rice: A fun game that helps others in need

How about learning chemical symbols while helping to end world hunger? Need to brush up on your favorite classic painters? Improve your vocabulary? You can do all these things on Free Rice, a site run by the United Nations World Food Bank.
You select a topic area and the degree of difficulty you […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Online learning

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Middle School: What Do We Know?

The recent ACT Report, The Forgotten Middle, states that “fewer than two in ten eighth graders are on target to be ready for college-level work by the time they graduate from high school.”
Such statements speak to the need for greater attention to middle school students and support for teachers of these grades. For our […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development

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Middle Schools-What Do We Know? NSDL Brown Bag, Dec 11th

The National Science Digital Libraryånd the National Middle School Association invite you to a free webinar from the National Science Digital Library Brown Bag Series:
Title: Middle School-What Do We Know?
Date: Thu, Dec 11, 2008
Time: 1:00 PM EST
Duration: 1 hour
Host(s): NMSA and the NSDL Resource Center
National Middle School Association in collaboration with the National Science Digital […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development, mathematics

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Will Richardson: On the Obama Campaign, Digital Footprints and the Call for Change in Education

Will Richardson, author of Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms and his popular blog recently presented at the National Middle School Association conference in Denver. The session was packed with information and thought-provoking ideas, some of which I have captured here:
Our ability to form groups through the use of […]

Posted in Topics: 2.0 Tools, Education, General, Online learning, Technology

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The Chemistry of Halloween Candles

An image from “Candles at Halloween–Periodic Table of Videos.”
Have you ever wondered what was happening in the burning flame of a candle? The University of Nottingham invites viewers to find out in a seasonal video that details the chemistry of candles here–just in time for Halloween!
The University of Nottingham hosts a series of 118 videos that […]

Posted in Topics: Chemistry, Education, Online learning, Science

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Exploratorium AfterSchool Activities

In response to a need for professional development in science for afterschool educators, the Exploratorium, the premier science center located in San Francisco, organized a series of teacher training workshops and online resources for the afterschool community. Even before they started their first workshop, Sherry Hsi, Director of Online Learning at the Exploratorium, and […]

Posted in Topics: General, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development

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Online Learning: Recent Trends and Resources

In the past year, a greater interest in online learning has brought forth a flurry of discussion on what schools should offer their students and teachers in terms of training and course development suited for an online medium. The 2007 Speak Up Survey conducted by Project Tomorrow polled students, teachers, parents, and school leaders […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Online learning, Science, Teacher professional development, mathematics

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