Archive for the 'Editorial' Category

What Price Quality? (May 2008)

Everyone wants more for less. That’s human nature, but it’s not necessarily a good long-term strategy for human society, especially when there are unanticipated, unintended negative consequences. Everyone would like lower electric bills, for example, but most of us paying the lower bills will not have to pay the full costs of global warming, many […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, General, Science

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Academic Extensions of Gresham’s Law (April 2008)

According to Gresham’s Law, bad money will drive out good money (1). In economics the law applies to situations where two things of different value are either perceived to have equal value or are required to be accepted as having equal value. For example, if a government requires that all coins of the same denomination […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, High School, Teaching, Technology

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Vote for Science: Science, Education, and the Political Process

The National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine have just published a book, Science, Evolution, and Creationism that should be read by all scientists and teachers of science (1). An eight-page brochure summarizes the book and is an excellent way to stimulate and inform discussions of evolution, creationism, and “intelligent design”.
The brochure describes […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, General, High School, Science

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Streaming Chemistry: Chemists Celebrate Earth Day–Feb 2008

The theme for this year’s Chemists Celebrate Earth Day is Water—Streaming Chemistry. As we do every February, the JCE editorial staff has collected a broad range of articles in support of that theme. We hope this issue, and others we have done in the past, are really useful for those who are planning Earth Day […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, Science, Teaching, Technology

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If You Seek a Useful Journal, Look About You!

The title is a variation of the motto on the coat of arms of the state of Michigan: Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam, circumspice. Looking about the Journal of Chemical Education is perhaps more complicated than seeking and viewing a pleasant peninsula, but it can be equally rewarding. Because this issue marks the beginning of the […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, General

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Critical Needs of STEM Education (December 2007)

“STEM educators should be viewed as a valuable national resource”
National Science Board
The National Science Board (NSB), governing body of the National Science Foundation (NSF), unveiled at its October 3, 2007 meeting A National Action Plan for Addressing the Critical Needs of the U.S. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education System. Released in nearly final form […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, General

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Opportunities for Collaborations Among Scholars (November 2007)

“Scholarship in the chemical sciences and engineering may include discovery of chemical principles, integration of chemical knowledge within both formal academic and informal public arenas, application of chemical knowledge to new problems and situation, and the study of teaching and learning of chemistry and related sciences.”
American Chemical Society
Opportunities for Collaborations Among Scholars
The Board of Directors […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education

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The Many Faces of (General) Chemistry (October 2007)

The theme for this year’s National Chemistry Week is “The Many Faces of Chemistry”. In support of this theme, Erica Jacobsen and Betty Moore coordinated the series of career profiles of chemists on pages 1564, 1567, 1569, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1576, 1578, 1579, 1581, 1582, 1583, and 1585. The diversity of careers described there as […]

Posted in Topics: Careers, Editorial, General

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Learning from Others (September 2007)

All of us can learn a lot when a very effective teacher communicates about teaching. An example is an interview with Eleanor Siegrist, this year’s winner of the James Bryant Conant Award in High School Chemistry Teaching, that begins on p 1408. Reading Siegrist’s answers to the Journal’s questions led me to think further about […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, Science

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Authenticity (August 2007)

It is easy to find fault with political discourse in the
United States. The number of complaints that our system is broken, in proportion to the total population, is about the same as the number of complaints that our chemical education system is broken, in proportion to the number of chemical educators. But neither system shows […]

Posted in Topics: Editorial, Education, Science

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