Digital Resource Package for Teaching Mathematics

The National Science Digital Library has a wealth of high quality digital resources to teach almost any topic in K-12 math and science.  Following is a sample of eleven NSDL links to more than 10,000 resources specific to teaching math at the K-12 level.

To browse resources by standards or domains

1. The NSDL Math Common Core collection has math interactives and lesson plans, organized by grade level and domain, that address the Math Common Core State Standards.

2. The NSDL Science Literacy Maps tool includes two math-related strandmaps that address math benchmarks: The Nature of Mathematics and The Mathematical World.  Each of these two chapters organizes the resources by mathematical domains.  Clicking on the selected domain produces a map that illustrates connections between concepts and illustrates how concepts build upon one another across grade levels.  Clicking on a concept within the maps will show NSDL resources relevant to the concept.  On the upper left corner, teachers can also find documented students’ misconceptions related to the mathematical domain.

3. Our partners at the Computational Science Education Reference Desk Pathway hold the Interactivate collection, that includes interactive Java-based resources for math and science at the 3-12 grade levels.

4. Our Teachers’ Domain partner holds more than 200 resources, mostly videos and lesson plans, for K-12 Math.  These resources are organized by mathematical domains and concepts.  In this library, users can create their folders for free to save and share resources.

Resources by school level

5. For the elementary school level, one of our newest partners, the MathLanding digital library offers over 400 high-quality digital mathematics content and contexualized resources that utilize Web 2.0 capabilities.  In this interface, users can also refine their searches for grade level and topic.

6. For the middle school level, the Middle School Portal Math & Science Pathways (MSP2) library has Math Resource Guides that include lesson plans and a variety of activities, assessment, reading and writing in math, quantitative literacy, integration of math with social studies, teaching strategies. You can create your own free account and exchange information with other members.

Bilingual Math resources

7. Specifically for students not proficient in English, the NSDL has a great number of bilingual math resources, mostly in Spanish, that include content and simulations.  In this interface, users can also refine their searches for grade level and topic.

Find Math resources by advanced searches

8.  An advanced search for Mathematics and K-12 grades at the SMILE portal results in over 750 resources  of various types.  This advanced search can be further refined to the math topic desired.  In this portal, you can also create your own free account to save your favorite resources, rate them, and share them with colleagues.

9. An advanced search for Mathematical Sciences at the K-12 level in our Engineering Pathway partners resulted in over 150 resources that include a brief description and the aimed-for grade level.  This advanced search can be further refined to the math topic desired.  The resource types include a question and answer service, experiments, simulations, games, visuals, case studies, lesson plans, discussion forums, and reference material.

10. Another new partner, the iCPALMS Pathway, provides access to 523 widget-based resources.  These resources are aligned to the Florida’s K-12 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.  In this interface, users can also refine their searches for grade level and topic.

11. Finally, an advanced search for Math at all K-12 grades on the NSDL results in over 4500 resources, some of which are included in the above collections and others that live in additional NSDL collections.   This advanced search can be further refined to the math topic desired.

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