Edublog Award Nominations Close Today, 12/8

The Edublog Awards recognize educational blogs, podcasts and other web-based educational technology users and organizations. Here’s a few nominations to add to the list, most of which are supported by the use of the NSDL Expert Voices and NSDL Wiki platforms:

Best resource sharing blog-

Ohio State University: Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears

Best librarian / library blog

Joyce Valenza: Neverending Search

Best educational wiki

Ohio State University:Middle School Portal Math and Science Publications:

Best educational use of a social networking service

Ohio State University: MSP2


Nominations close tonight! Here are the instructions from Edublogs and good luck to the nominees!:

You can nominate your own favorites. Simply follow the directions from

Step 1: Write a post on your blog linking to:

1. The Edublog Awards Homepage

2. The blogs and sites that you want to nominate (must be linked to!)

You can nominate for as many categories as you like, but only one nomination per category, and not yourself :) You can nominate a blog (or site) for more than one category)

Step 2: Email us the link to your nomination post

Use the form on The Edublog Awards Homepage to contact us, please include a genuine email address (spam free, just in case we need to confirm identity) and the link to your nominations post.

Posted in Topics: Elementary Resources, General, High School Resources, Teacher professional development

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