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Earth Day 2011: April 22

Visit the Earth Day 2011 site to tap in to a variety of activities to mark the observance of Earth Day this year. Find local events and campaigns to take part in via the Take Action section. This year’s Earth Day focuses on A Billion Acts of Green - personal, organizational, and corporate pledges to live […]

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Smooth as CILC

CILC? What is it? Not silk (though it sounds the same), silt, or skulk. CILC is The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration—a non-profit providing ease-of-use access to great K-20 content in the form of engaging distance learning programs from exemplary providers. CILC services include teacher-rated videoconferencing events; professional development; collaboration; consultation; and other interactive […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Science, Teacher professional development, Technology, multimedia

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Thanksgiving Science from the Middle School Portal…

Looking for ways to amaze your family and friends at Thanksgiving dinner? quiz them on their ‘turkey knowledge’? Thanks to MSP2’s Exemplary Resources for Middle School Math and Science blog entry: Thanksgiving Science, you can find a variety of information and resources that can turn you into the authority in that rousing dinner table discussion, or […]

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Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Issue 20: Climate Change

If you are not yet familiar with Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Integrating Literacy and Science in K-5 Classrooms, you should be! If the early summer is heating up too fast for you, take the opportunity to explore Issue 20 of this exemplary resource for K-5 teachers and students (the latest). BPPB is a terrific […]

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Content Clips: A Selection, Customization, and Presentation Service for Elementary Education

If you haven’t had the opportunity to explore and use NSDL Content Clips - make room in your schedule! Content Clips is a great resource for teachers and curriculum builders to find and organize multimedia ‘clips’ to produce web-based teaching activities, presentations, interactives, and much more.  Browse the collection by topic area (e.g. amphibians, birds, desert life, […]

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Earth Day 2010: April 22

This year is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. It all started on April 22, 1970, when Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin hired a small staff, led by Denis Hayes, to coordinate a series of ‘teach-in’ activities throughout the country. Those teach-ins expanded and evolved into an energetic grassroots effort, and effectively, the beginning of […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Science

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Native American perspectives on climate change, environment…

NSDL’s Teacher’s Domain Pathway has released a new digital media special collection - Where Words Touch the Earth -  for grades 3-12, featuring Native American perspectives on climate change and how these impacts affect Native American communities.  Downloadable videos are available of interviews of elders and other community members by students from American Indian Tribal Colleges. A […]

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The perfect time for citizen science projects…

Do you know about the Corvid family of birds? What about phenophases? Springtime is in the air and it’s a good time to engage students of all ages in some great citizen science projects.  Project BudBurst is an exemplary citizen scientist program that engages the public in making careful observations of phenophases:  first leafing, first […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Interactive, Science

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Using the Winter Olympics to teach science and math

While we are all glued to the television this week to watch the exciting outcomes of Winter Olympics competition, it’s also a great opportunity to explore the science behind the sports and winter weather.  Collections from NSDL and from the National Science Foundation can help you do just that. The National Science Foundation and NBC […]

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Teachers’ Domain: Biotechnology Collection

WGBH’s Teachers’ Domain - a goldmine of multimedia resources for K12 education - now has added value for middle school and high school educators and students, with its recently released Biotechnology Digital Media Collection. If you teach genetics, DNA, gene cloning, or other biotech topics, and are looking for ways to integrate high quality digital […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, General, Interactive, Science, Technology, biology

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