Math and History Featured in NSDL Resources About Voting

As the nation goes to the polls on November 4, 2008 these resources from NSDL Pathways, which provide access to audience-specific views of appropriate NSDL resources and services, offer classroom information about how voting and polls work, insights into American election milestones, and a closer look at how the technology behind voting can affect history.


Cast your ballot on November 4.

Annenberg/CPB: Cast Your Vote

From the NSDL Middle School Portal: Math and Science Pathways

Multiple polls claim to know how public opinion shifts day-to-day during political campaigns. This web site offers a ficticious look into an election campaign at the math behind the polls. Concepts such as random sampling, margin of error, confidence intervals, and ways in which surveys can go wrong are reviewed.

Majority Vote: What percentage does it take to win a vote?

From the NSDL Middle School Portal: Math and Science Pathways

Understanding national election results is complicated. This classroom activity helps students think carefully about how percentages are used mathematically to determine voting outcomes. The importance of understanding the meaning of percentages in media and marketing is also noted.

Voting Rights

From NSDL Teachers’ Domain: Digital Media Resources Pathway

The Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution was passed that prohibited racial discrimination in voting was passed in 1870. The Voting Rights Act, however, was not signed into law until 1965. Find out what happened in the nearly one hundred years between 1870 and 1965 to ensure that everyone has the right to vote in this multimedia resource from Teacher’s Domain.

Election 2000: A Case Study in Human Factors and Design

From the NSDL Engineering Pathway: Engineering Education Resources

The goal in presenting this case based on controversies surrounding the November 2000 presidential election, specifically the difficulties encountered in interpreting imperfectly punched ballots, is to help college-level students recognize how engineering solutions can be brought to bear in solving problems of national importance.

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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3 Responses to “Math and History Featured in NSDL Resources About Voting”

  1. Nathan Hall Says:

    I love the image above. Where is it from?


  2. Carol Minton Morris Says:

    Thanks–The “Vote” image is from my personal photo collection.

    Carol Minton Morris

  3. Resources for teaching about voting and mathematics « Sciencegeekgirl Says:

    […] about voting and polls, voting technology, and the history of voting.  These are taken from the NSDL Expert Voices blog. Annenberg/CPB: Cast Your Vote From the NSDL Middle School Portal: Math and Science […]

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