Whiteboard and Slide-based Combination Classroom Presentation Tool Wins 2008 Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware

Each year NSDL’s NEEDS/Engineering Pathway digital libraries host The Premier Award competition. A wide range of submissions of high-quality, non-commercial courseware designed to enhance engineering education are encouraged. Recently the 2008 Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware was awarded to Richard Anderson, Ruth Anderson, Natalie Linnell, Craig Prince and members of the development team from the University of Washington for Classroom PresenterThe award was presented at the Premier Award Ceremony at the Frontiers in Education Conference, held this year in Saratoga Springs, New York.  


 2008 Premier Award Courseware was distributed on CD Rom at the FIE Conference and is also available online.

Classroom Presenter is a Tablet PC-based interaction system that supports the sharing of digital ink on slides between instructors and students by enabling the flexible delivery of lecture content. When used as a presentation tool, Classroom Presenter allows the integration of digital ink and electronic slides, making it possible to combine the advantages of whiteboard style and slide-based presentation. The ability to link the instructor and student devices, and to send information back and forth provides a mechanism for introducing active learning into the classroom and creates additional feedback channels. 

This year’s panel of judges comprised a diverse cross-section of experts in engineering education and interactive media. Sponsors of the award program are John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Microsoft Research and TechSmith

Richard Anderson is a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington and also serves as Associate Chair of educational programs. He won the 2007 UW Faculty Innovator for Teaching Award. Ruth Anderson teaches Computer Science at the University of Washington.  Natalie Linnell and Craig Prince are both PhD students at University of Washington working on educational technology with Richard Anderson.

Submissions for 2009 are due by July 17, 2009, and the Premier Courseware of 2009 will be announced at the Frontiers In Education Conference to be held October 18-21 in San Antonio, Texas.  More details on the Premier Award and current and previous winners can be found on the Engineering Pathway at: http://www.engineeringpathway.org/ep/premier/

The Engineering Pathway (www.engineeringpathway.org) is a portal to high-quality teaching and learning resources in applied science and math, engineering, computer science/information technology and engineering technology, for use by K-12 and university educators and students. Engineering Pathway is the engineering education “wing” of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) at www.nsdl.org.

Posted in Topics: Education, Engineering, Mathematics, Science, Technology

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