The NSDL Community at Its Best

Ending two and a half days of networking, sharing research results, project outcomes and swapping good stories, almost 200 NSDL partners and projects said goodbye and headed home from Washington D.C. on October 2 to continue building NSDL’s capacity as a national platform for cyberlearning. Presentations will be downloadable from the Annual Meeting Full Schedule Overview as they become available over the next few weeks. A list of attendees, poster abstracts, and other materials may be found here.


Top left to right: NSDL Resource Center Director Kaye Howe addresses participants; 2008 Annual Meeting Chair Sarah Holsted reads Haiku while 2009 Annual Meeting Chair Susan Jesuroga listens; attendees discuss 2009 Annual Meeting priorities.

NSF NSDL Program Director Lee Zia has traditionally shared Haiku written especially to echo some of the meeting themes to mark the end of each year’s NSDL Annual Meeting. This year’s collection was penned by members of the NSDL community and delivered by Sarah Holsted, NSDL Annual Meeting 2008 Chair:


Stage Two Proposal

Induces insane review;

CSERD marches on.

–Bob Panoff

From the red embers

of Core Dis-Integration,

what Phoenix rises?

–James Blake



Validation of science


–Bob Panoff

Deadlines pass quickly

Networked angel nags online

Holsted saves again

–Sherry Hsi


Three million page views

Month after month after month


–Bob Panoff

Sifting though content

Endless searches return piles

Metadata please

–Sherry Hsi

Metrics waft like snow

Whipped about by unknown souls

While I shovel the path

–Bob Donahue


Monkeys, monkeys run!

Through the jungle laptops come

Swinging in rhythm

–Sherry Hsi

Cheers! (A Haiku in Appreciation of Lee Zia)

Up late… idea:

Transform STEM world-online… To


–Sarah Holsted

Posted in Topics: Education, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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One response to “The NSDL Community at Its Best”

  1. » AND. . . the Zia 2008 NSDL Annual Meeting Haiku » NSDL Road Reports Says:

    […] NSDL’s Annual Meeting earlier this week featuring community-contributed Haiki can be found here.  As is traditional, here are NSF Program Director Lee Zia’s (currently on leave from NSF) […]

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