Get Ready for Washington: NSDL 2008 Annual Meeting

NSDL’s Annual Meeting is set to take place from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 2008 in Washington, D.C. This year, the program focuses on the complementary efforts of mature NSDL projects in a format developed to highlight the collective work from NSDL projects. Achievments in professional development and outreach with K12 and higher education audiences; and, in web-based services that allow educators and learners to use, and re-use, the burgeoning collections in NSDL and NSDL Pathways will be presented. Look for news, notes and impressions in the NSDL Annual Meeting blog.

The program also highlights NSDL projects’ efforts to employ high-speed networks that enable the delivery and use of rich media content, identify the usage data that supports webmetric analysis of networks, and facilitate connections between personal and organizational networks to further the use of online content in support of STEM education. Two poster sessions and a Lightning Talk session will provide opportunities for new and returning projects to mingle, and a plenary session of the meeting completes the transition to a new leadership structure for NSDL with the advent of a Resource Center and a Technical Network Services Provider. Annual Meeting handouts including NSDL Pathways Highlights and NSDL Project Updates are available from the Annual Meeting website.

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Technology

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