Making a Difference With Educational Technology

The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is one of many organizations and groups that seek to improve educational technology and access to educational opportunities nationwide. ESchool NewsNSDL Annotation, a monthly newspaper that provides news and information for K–20 decision-makers who use technology to help their institutions achieve educational goals, recently celebrated their tenth anniversary by publishing a top ten list of people who have “had a profound impact on educational technology in the last decade.” Linda G. Roberts, who serves on NSDL’s National Visiting Committee, and Julie Evans, who has advised NSDL on ways to improve its services and technology, were among honorees who also included Microsoft’s Bill Gates, and One Laptop per Child’sNSDL Annotation Nicholas Negroponte.

Linda Roberts, a former elementary school teacher and university professor, founded the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology during the Clinton Administration and developed the nation’s first educational technology plan. She is currently Senior Advisor to Apple Computer and several leading technology companies. Roberts is credited with spearheading the idea that educational technology implementation and use in U.S. schools should be a national priority.

Julie Evans has been finding out what teachers, students, administrators and even parents think about the use of educational technology in schools since 2003. In 2007 alone 319,223 students, 25,544 teachers, 19,726 parents, and 3,263 school leaders submitted surveys through the Speak Up annual national research study about the use of technology and science resources to prepare students for the 21st century. The Net Day Speak Up web site states, “Since inception the project has collected the viewpoints of over 850,000 K-12 students, teachers and parents from all 50 states.”

NSDL Director of Core Integration Kaye Howe says, “Both Linda Roberts and Julie Evans give advice, counsel and support to NSDL—and that has been our very good fortune. Linda has been a strong and deeply involved member of NSDL’s National Visiting Committee, and is always available to give us the benefit of both her vision, her experience and her extensive contacts. Julie’s Net Day Speak Up surveys, and her compelling presentations of the data (she is probably the best keynoter we’ve ever had at the NSDL Annual Meeting) provide invaluable and illuminating longitudinal insights into what K-12 teachers, students and parents are really thinking and doing. They have both made a critical difference in education and that will continue to do so.”

Posted in Topics: Education, Social Studies, Technology

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One response to “Making a Difference With Educational Technology”

  1. Digital Mp3 Players Says:

    One Laptop per child? Wow!

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