Resources for This Month’s Lunar Eclipse

A total lunar eclipse will be visible in North America on February 20th beginning at 8:43 pm Eastern and 5:43 pm Pacific time. This prime-time celestial show should be an excellent teaching opportunity for young astronomers, and several good web resources are available. NASA’s Eclipse Home PageNSDL Annotation is the most extensive, with downloads that include diagrams for each time zone, a full discussion of conditions and special circumstances for this event, and a good set of links. The SETI InstituteNSDL Annotation site has a good one-page Frequent Questions sheet. And Sky & Telescope NSDL Annotation magazine has a guide to all four visible eclipses that will happen in 2008, including a total solar eclipse on August 1 that will run in a narrow swath from the Canadian Arctic to Mongolia. If that isn’t your ideal vacation, just wait — the next total solar eclipse visible in North America is scheduled for August 21, 2017.

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